My name Is Erin, I’m 35 years old and I have been TTC for my next baby for 2.5 plus years. I had twins 8.5 years ago from an IUI (and actually had triplets but we were forced to have a reduction due to the risk of losing my life and the babies lives if I tried to move forward with three). We made a tough decision, but a great one, my twins were delivered naturally at 37.5 weeks. Unfortunately, our TTC journey for this baby has been much harder. We have done 6 transfers, and I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks last January and have done 4 egg retrievals. Its been a long road but Nick and I have gotten so close and so much stronger during all of this! I have gained an amazing community and learned so much about my personal strength. Last year was one of the hardest years of my live, but my pledge is that this year is happier, lighter and hopefully filled with a new life as we are currently prepping for transfer #7.